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Take the first step to making your new home with Carmichael's
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Find your next home in Summerchase, or in one of our other fine communities. Each of our rentals features spacious rooms, updated interiors, and professionally managed communities. At Summerchase our mission is to provide you with an immaculate apartment, compassionate management, prompt service and a community that truly feels like home.
Quick, painless application
Carmichael's offers a simple, straight-forward application for those interested in living in one of our communities. We never share or sell your information.
Fun, relaxed communities
Our residents enjoy living together in respectful, fun communities. We enforce simple rules to ensure harmonious living, without trampling your rights and freedom.
Friendly and respectful
We know you have a choice of where to live, and we're proud if you choose us. We'll treat you with respect and dignity.
24/7 Mobile Helpline
Using our tenant system, you can submit questions or requests 24 hours a day. Emergency work orders are also accepted any time.